Building and establishing a new website is now simpler than ever. However, if your primary aim is to create a revenue-generating site, you’ll need to do more than just stick a page up and hope for the best.

If you’re serious about wanting to start a profitable blog, it’s vital to devote time in developing a good marketing strategy and creating a site that supports your goals and audience. Use this checklist to assure that your new website is set up to succeed through monetisation and affiliate marketing.

1. Choose a topic that will appeal to a large number of people

Personal love for a topic is important, but it requires more than excitement to create an article for a blog that has the ability to produce money. You might have found the perfect niche but consider if the primary keywords for your topic have a high search volume? Is the subject still relevant? Can you make money off of this topic? If you cannot respond yes to these questions, explore alternative topics before beginning to develop your website.

2. Consider your domain name carefully

A good domain name will help your website to grow over time. While a name that is closely related to your subject in a literal sense can make your content apparent, it may be restricting over time. A more open-ended brand name will allow you to adapt as your company grows.

Register the domain with a reputable domain registrar separate from your web host so that you can easily relocate hosting services in the future. Even if you don’t intend to use every popular social channel right immediately, try matching your new domain name with accessible social media handles and registering them all together.

3. Select a good hosting provider

Find a decent mix between a high-quality hosting business and a fair price while creating your website. Many professional hosting companies provide entry-level pricing, allowing you to get started at a lower cost.

If you want to use a content management system (CMS), seek for a web host that supports the CMS you intend to use. Many hosting companies provide specialist support for CMSs such as WordPress. If you’re unsure, inquire about CMS support and upgrade possibilities for when your hosting capacity requires scaling. You can find out more about hosting providers here – The 6 Best Value Green WordPress Hosting Providers.

4. Install your CMS carefully

If your web host already supports your preferred CMS, it may provide one-click installation or other rapid setup to get you up and running. Many hosting providers provide one-click, simplified or managed WordPress installation. If not, take your time installing it.

Detailed instructions and/or video tutorials are usually available on the CMS’s website. Just make sure to check for up to date guidance published within the last year or two.

5. Create an appealing design

Because first impressions are vital, your website style should be appropriate for your selected theme while also being enjoyable and logical to use. Use the matching colour palettes, complementing fonts, a professional-looking logo, and other graphical components to make a great impression and develop trustworthiness with visitors.

6. Avoid unnecessary plug-ins

CMSs such as WordPress may be improved by adding helpful plug-ins that allow additional functionalities. But don’t overdo it. Each plug-in slows down the CMS and may open up more opportunities for hacking, so only install actively maintained plug-ins from trusted developers.

Check that your plug-ins are compatible with the CMS version you’re using, and always backup your site before installing anything.

7. Check for bugs

Test for technical defects and errors before launching your new website, and make sure there are no erroneous headers, missing photos, or font issues. Check the code of your website on free markup validation services websites. is the organisation that manages the HTML specification’s online validator, and validation is also included into most HTML editors.

8. Run tests on popular browsers and devices

Visitors to your website will use a variety of devices and browsers. It is critical to ensure that your website works in all major browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Safari. Check the web browsers integrated into the most recent iOS and Android devices, including phones and tablets.

9. Pre-fill your website

You should never, ever start with an empty webpage. Prepare at least four to five high-quality pieces to guarantee your debut is compelling enough to keep your new readers sharing your content and returning for more.

10. Create fresh content

Before your new website goes live, you’ll need a strategy for keeping it up to date. Brainstorm content ideas utilising a mind map, competitive analysis, and fresh research into potential content categories.

11. Everything should be proofread

Before posting a new article, read it attentively to ensure spelling and punctuation are right—and then take the time to address any errors you find after the item has gone live.

12. Prepare your content plan

Many new website owners and bloggers begin with great enthusiasm, but suffer after the first few weeks. A content strategy for the earliest stage of your website’s life cycle can help you prevent this. You don’t have to prepare every single post, but key material or future events, such as peak shopping seasons should be scheduled in advance.

13. Make your homepage appealing to new visitors

Your main page is your site’s “store window,” with many new viewers arriving there either directly or after reading one of your articles. Include a quick introduction describing what your site is about, as well as a list of the most recent and popular pieces. Your visitors should be able to tell what your site is about right away and find it simple to access further information.

14. Legal and privacy statements should be included

Your website may be obliged to provide certain legal notifications, such as cookie warnings and other legal and privacy notices, depending on where you conduct business. The European Union, for example, demands compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation, but California enforces the California Consumer Privacy Act. Legal websites, some of which are free, offer suggested phrasing.

There are also plugins that can assist in setting this up and obtaining appropriate visitor consent to comply with legislation.

15. Examine the usability and accessibility

Request that your friends and family browse your website and provide comments on anything they find perplexing. A site that functions effectively for users who use assistive technology like screen readers will make your site more usable and will also improve your SEO results. Use a web accessibility evaluation tool to evaluate your site.

16. Search engine optimisation

Implementing search engine optimisation (SEO) basics will ensure that search engines can locate and index your website. There are several tactics for enhancing search results, but the most natural boost to your SEO rankings comes from publishing useful, original content.

17. Load times should be measured

Search engines are increasingly emphasising fast loading times. If a website takes too long to load, the average online user will abandon it, resulting in decreased traffic and reduced earnings. Use a performance test tool to assess your website and discover areas for improvement, such as picture compression.

18. Set up Google analytics

Use a web-analytics tool such as google analytics to learn how your website is performing, what material is popular, and where problems exist. There are several free and strong analytics programmes available online with Google analytics being the most popular. After you’ve decided on your favourite, make sure all tracking is properly implemented. Then, take action based on your findings to improve your website.

19. Make a backup plan

There are few things more aggravating than losing content due to technical issues or a hacker assault. A reputable hosting service will make frequent backups, but there are also numerous handy CMS plug-ins that provide this function. Back up your files on a regular basis, including your website’s database, so that you can reinstall an up-to-date version in the event of a disaster.

20. Early monetisation

When should you start putting money-making links on your website? It doesn’t have to be from the start, but you should start as soon as possible. You’ll gain a lot of important expertise and be able to experiment with various forms of paid content to learn what works best. No matter when you decide to begin, you should consider how to incorporate content for revenue from the start.

21. Don’t delay, begin right away

Using this checklist will assist you in avoiding costly mistakes while designing and creating your new website. But don’t get caught down in striving for perfection. It’s crucial to just begin and get some experience. Your original intentions might always evolve as you get feedback and learn new outcomes.

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